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Mesquite Elementary students create award winning art for the Darion Wheat Child Abuse Awareness Foundation poster contest

Ryan Nelson

Congratulations to the RISE After School students at Mesquite Elementary who recently participated in the Darion Wheat Child Abuse Awareness Foundation's poster contest.  Their artwork represents their ideas of how to prevent child abuse.  10 Mesquite students' artwork was selected to appear in the foundation's 2015-2016 calendar:

Destiny Torres (Overall winner - artwork was chosen for the calendar cover)
Marcela Vela

Jaylin Pacheco
Maxine Mendoza
Timia Cea
Vanessa Jimenez
Nelia Fombona
Ajha Harris
Victoria Martinez
Aaliyah Day

Two students received an honorable mention:

Sarai Rodriguez
Vivian Martinez

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the contest to support the foundation.  The 9th Annual Darion Wheat Child Abuse Awareness walk will be in Palmdale on 4/25/15 9:00a-12:00p.