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Fall 2020 Student Learning Centers


Fall 2020 Student Learning Centers

Ryan Nelson

We have been working hard to provide Student Learning Centers to children of essential employees while the school districts are in distance-learning-only mode. Registration is now open for the Castaic, Eastside, Keppel, Newhall, Palmdale, and Wilsona School Districts. Please use the link below for more information and registration.

Castaic Union School District SLC - Opened August 11, 2020 at Castaic Elementary

Eastside Union School District SLCs - Opened August 10, 2020 at Columbia, Eastside, Enterprise, and Tierra Bonita Elemantary

Keppel Union School District - Opened August 17, 2020 at Alpine and Daisy Gibson Schools.

Newhall School District - Opened August 13, 2020 at McGrath and Newhall Elementary

Palmdale School District -Opening August 24, 2020 at PSD Site 18

Wilsona School District - Opening August 10, 2020 at Wilsona Elementary